We are pleased to announce that on July 30 a breakthrough in the history of Polish digital mining took place
Namely, our mining pool Zetpool won a double for the first time – we won the first place in the most prestigious ranking of Ethereum mining pools in the world, winning in most categories, including the most desirable and opinion-forming category “90 days” (long scale) with an ADVANTAGE OF UP TO 5% over another mining pool (Ethermine)
Success applies to both mining pools: Ethereum and Ethereum Classic.
Years of hard work, hundreds of tests and improvements were not in vain.
We managed to build a very effective environment for mining cryptocurrencies, which today has a considerable 700 Gh/s of power
By the way, it was possible to prove that thanks to consistency you can leave behind the largest mining pools in the industry, which have several times larger budgets Passion, specialization and looking for improvements can move mountains.
First of all, we would like to thank our Miners who put their trust in us and all those who supported us. We hope that the coins obtained on our servers will be the best reward.
At the same time, we announce that we are officially starting work on a mining pool for Ethereum 2.0, which will work based on the Proof of Stake algorithm.
Author: Marcin Żywica from ŻET Technologies
Miner, founder of ŻET Technologies, a company
designing and manufacturing advanced crypto miners.
ŻET Technologies provides computing power for blockchain
networks, creates technology for 21st century business.