We are starting with the PCMP (Prospective Cryptocurrency Mining Program).
After The Merge, the entire firmament of interesting projects gains importance, the bear market will not last forever, so we are starting with this the topic.
The assumptions are simple:
– we focus only on currencies that can be mined via POW (Proof Of Work)
– we focus only on projects that are in the initial phase of development, with low market capitalization and are unknown to the wider public
– all projects have been verified and well researched
– we provide ready-made flight sheets; wallet + mining pool + miner
– as part of the support, we discuss and analyze available solutions on an ongoing basis
If you are interested and want to focus on finding niche projects or you just don’t have time for your own research – let us know!

Author: Marcin Żywica from ŻET Technologies
Miner, founder of ŻET Technologies, a company
designing and manufacturing advanced crypto miners.
ŻET Technologies provides computing power for blockchain
networks, creates technology for 21st century business.