ZETOS App has received major update, below is a brief description of what has been updated, what’s new and why right now
It’s hot not only outside, but crypto charts are hot also, we can confidently talk about summer fever!
After the first signal was given by the irreplaceable Bitcoin, his younger brothers intend to follow him.
We are pleased, in particular, that many mineable coins have chosen such a goal!
On this occasion, we have prepared a new version of the ZETOS App, with the latest and best mining speeds. Faster speeds will be available at least:
For Rx AMD graphic cards:
Ethereum +10%
For GTV Nvidia graphics cards:
In addition, several new projects:
BitCash (GTX)
Sumo (Rx)
SIN (Gtx)
The integration process can be done remotely or we just need your hard disk on which we will record the software designed for your servers – optimization for free!